Stephen Murray attends book signings and charity events often. Find an upcoming author event to be a part of. Check back often for new dates and times. Pick up your copy of Discreetly Yours before attending. BUY NOW.

Multi-Author Book Signing at the Firelight Barn


DATE: May 7th, 2023
TIME: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.PST
LOCATION: Firelight Barn Dinner Theater.

I would like to thank fellow writer Gail Marie Beckman of Happenings Media for inviting me to participate in this event, and to Toni Jackson and the Wranglers for hosting it at the Firelight Barn. The afternoon event will host authors giving ten-minute presentations on their published books followed by a signing. Light refreshments will be served.

Apart from Gail Marie Beckman (puzzle books) and myself, participating authors are Keith Bettinger (Police Procedural), Iris Hattersley (Memoir), John Lawrence (Historical Fiction) and Rena McDonald Esq. (Legal Self-Help).

I will be presenting all five of my novels. Hope you can join us for what promises to be a fun afternoon.


Book Signing – Coffee N Rock

DATE: Saturday, May 13th, 2023
TIME: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Coffee N Rock

How wonderful to be returning to Coffee N Rock. Thanks to owner, Elaine, for welcoming authors into her coffee shop. I would also like to thank Vicki-Ann Bush and the Coffee Hours Tours for facilitating this event.

I am delighted to be sharing this book signing with Lauren Tallman, who will be signing and selling copies of her book of her novels, Harem Of The Dragon, Come Again?, How To Have An Affair And Not Get Caught and Taste The Kiss Feel The Fire.

Even though I will be promoting Discreetly Yours, I will have all my books available for copies and for signing.

Hoping you can stop by for some highly enjoyable latte and some of the scrumptious, mouth-watering items from their menu.

The Authors Show Podcast Interview

DATE: September 3rd, 2020
TIME: 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. PST
LOCATION: Recording Podcast Interview on The Authors Show.

I am most excited to be a returning guest on The Authors Show. Once again , I will be interviewed by the delightful and charming Linda Thompson. This time, the discussion will be totally focused on Discreetly Yours. Details of when the show will actually be broadcast will be posted when known.



Online Live Stream with Mama’s Wranglers at the Firelight Barn

DATE: August 4th, 2020
TIME: 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.PST
LOCATION: Online Live Streaming with Mama’s Wranglers at the Firelight Barn

What fun it will be to appear as a guest on this live online only streaming podcast with the highly talented and always entertaining Mama’s Wranglers at the Firelight Barn in Henderson. Aside from Discreetly Yours, I will be presenting a brief background on  my other three novels – Chapel of Eternal Love, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love and Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II. To watch this streaming, please go to www.FirelightBarn.com and click on “Two Song Showdown.” Then click on “Watch Now.” A box will pop up notifying you that you can also CHAT with us by clicking on “Chat as a guest,” but this is optional and only if you would like to participate or ask questions. You will then arrive to a screen that will play the event, beginning at 5:30. Reminder this is online viewing only. Please do not come to the venue in person. It will be closed.

While on the site you may wish to check out some great upcoming shows.

Panel Discussion – How to Have a Successful Book Signing, Paseo Verde Library


DATE: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Paseo Verde Library, Program Room

I am elated to be sharing this panel presentation and discussion with fellow author, Vicki-Ann Bush.

We have both been most fortunate to have some very successful book signings, and have both learned a lot through our own personal experiences.

We are happy to share what has worked for us and what hasn’t, along with some fundamental do’s and don’ts.

Please come along and join us for what we hope will be an informative and fun afternoon. Admission is free.

With grateful thanks to Kate Peraza and the Paseo Verde Library for facilitating this event in the Program Room at the library.

Hope to see you there.

Book Signing at Barnes and Noble – North Rainbow Promenade





DATE: Sunday, June. 4th, 2023
LOCATION: North Rainbow Promenade, 2191 N. Rainbow Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89108
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.


Many thanks to event coordinator, Lauren, for the invite to hold another book signing at this location of Barnes & Noble. It is always a pleasure to be there.

Naturally, I will be selling and signing copies of Discreetly Yours as well as my cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II.

For those looking for a lighter read, I will also be promoting the award-winning The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas,  the critically-acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas.   and copies of my heart-warming holiday fiction, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

 Do hope you can stop by.

Live Radio Interview – Author-First


DATE: Thursday , July 9th , 2020
TIME: 6.00 p.m. – 7.00  p.m. PST
LOCATION: Live Radio Interview.

I am thrilled to have been invited back for the THIRD time as a guest on the Authors-First Radio Show, part of the ArtistFirst Radio Network. The entire hour, I will be discussing Discreetly Yours.

To listen to the interview live, please visit  www.artistfirst.com and click on one of the listen buttons.

For those unable to listen live, the link will be posted a few days later at www.artistfirst.com/bookshows.htm


Multi-author ‘Boozyfest’ at Miss Phoebe’s Eatery, Las Vegas

DATE: Saturday, June 10th, 2023
TIME: 5.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Miss Phoebe’s Eatery

Hopefully as many of you as possible will sign up for this fun evening at Miss Phoebe’s Eatery.

Several local authors will be at the venue with copies of their books. For the price of admission ($39.00) each attendee will receive a book of their choice from any of the participating authors, complimentary tapas and one free cocktail, beer or wine, graciously provided by Miss Phoebe’s Eatery.

The participating authors are Deanna Adler, Alba Arango, Vicki-Ann Bush, Alan Geik, Renee Jean, Lori Piotrowski, Morgan St. James, RJ Waters and myself. The published authors write in multiple genres. There should be something to accommodate all tastes.

Thanks to the owners of Miss Phoebe’s for collaborating with the Coffee House Tours to facilitate this event.


TV Interview – “What’s Your Story?” with Judi Moreo on WWDBTV /ROKU

DATE: Monday, June 12th, 2023
TIME: 11.00 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.

I am thrilled to be invited to appear as a guest on the multi-talented Judi Moreo’s  TV program, “What’s Your Story?”

Aside from being a TV/podcast host, Judi is an international motivational speaker, coach, and the author of the best-selling book, You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion and Power.

UPDATE :  The link to watch and comment on YouTube is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS8OM6LDWjY . To watch on ROKU, type WWDBTV and scroll down to ‘What’s Your Story?’



Book Signing – Skimo’s Coffee Shop, Henderson

DATE: Friday, March 11th, 2022
TIME: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Skimo’s Coffee Shop

This will be my first signing at Skimo’s,  and I am looking forward to it immensely.

I would like to thank the Coffee House Tours for putting this series of signings together.

Although  I will be selling and signing copies of Discreetly Yours, I will also be selling and signing copies of the award-winning  The Chapel of Eternal Love and the critically-acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, my cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II,  and my latest novel, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

I will be sharing the signing with the very talented, Lynn Rosenberg.

Hope you can stop by and join us for some coffee and some books from either Lynn or myself.



Stephen Murray is a Las Vegas author with roots in England and Southern Africa. Praised for his unique writing style and powerful character development skills, his books cross multiple sub genres.



Learn more about Stephen Murray’s novels by clicking the books below.