Stephen Murray attends book signings and charity events often. Find an upcoming author event to be a part of. Check back often for new dates and times. Pick up your copy of Discreetly Yours before attending. BUY NOW.

Book Presentation & Signing – The Bridge at Paradise Valley, Las Vegas, Nevada

DATE: Wednesday, Aug. 4th, 2021
TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
LOCATION: The  Bridge at Paradise Valley

What a pleasure it will be to return to this wonderful venue to kick-start the ‘Meet the Local Author’ series . Thanks to Lifestyle Director, Sadiri Guillermo, for re-establishing this monthly event, which had been placed on hold during the pandemic.

I appreciate the invite to return to meet the new residents, and chat with familiar faces about  Discreetly Yours, the award-winning  Chapel of Eternal Love, the critically-acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, my cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II and about my journey as an author in general.. The presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A and signing.

Since we are not completely ‘out of the woods’ with the pandemic, this event will not be open to the public at this time.

Podcast Interview – Cross Border Interview hosted by Christopher Brown from Calgary, Alberta

DATE: Thu., August 5th, 2021
TIME: 5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m. PST
LOCATION: Calgary, Alberta

Host, Christopher Brown, enjoys chatting with a wide variety of people about their passion, their duty, and their life. His guests have included politicians, entertainers, entrepreneurs, podcast hosts, business leaders, authors, and candidates for elected office. The conversation will revolve around writing styles, character development, and writing in multiple genres. The link to listening to the hour-long interview will be posted here later, when known.



DATE: Sat., August 7th, 2021
TIME: 12.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. PST
LOCATION: Clark County Library, 1401 E. Flamingo Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89119

This is an absolute must for all local book-lovers. 40 local authors will be signing copies of their books. There will be two groups of 20 authors. The first will be signing their books from 12.00 – 2.00 p.m., while the 2nd will be signing from 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. I will be signing in the first groupand will be signing copies of all four of my novels. The event will also hold a panel discussion “The Pen and the Pandemic” and attendees can listen to authors reading chapters from their books. Thank you to the Clark County Library for hosting this event and to Jo Wilkins and Mystic Publishing Inc. for initiating and sponsoring it.


Book Discussion – Atria Seville Retirement Community


DATE: Wed., August 11th, 2021
TIME: 2.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Atria Seville Retirement Community

It is always a pleasure to return to the Atria Seville. This time, it will be to discuss my novel, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II. The residents of at the Seville who are members of the book club, will have read the book during the month of July. It will be a pleasure to have a discussion and Q&A session with them and hear their comments. Much gratitude to Senior Engage Life Director, Jill Ann Biondo for facilitating this event.

Although the focus of the event will be centered around my cozy murder mystery, I will also be mentioning Discreetly Yours as well as my other two novels – the award winning, The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas  and the critically-acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas.



Book Presentation and Signing – Tropicana Palms, Las Vegas, Nevada


DATE: Thu., August 19th, 2021
TIME: 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Tropicana Palms
Am looking forward to meeting the residents at my first presentation and signing at Tropicana Palms. I will be discussing all four of my novels and my journey as an author. The presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A and book signing. Due to the pandemic, this event will be closed to the public. The invite from Events Coordinator, Susan Bollinger, is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Susan, for the opportunity to meet your residents.


Podcast Interview – Hippie Mamma from Arizona


DATE: Friday, Sept. 3rd, 2021
TIME: 9.00 a.m. – 9.30 a.m. PST
LOCATION:  Arizona

What a pleasure it will be to appear as a guest on the Hippie Mamma podcast hosted by Karen Farmer.

Karen is seeking guests who are ‘ordinary people’ and ‘easygoing souls’ to share their story.  I hope I qualify, Karen, and am looking forward to our 30 minute conversation.

We will probably discuss my travels and my journey as author.

Apart from Discreetly Yours, I will also be discussing the award-winning  The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas,  the critically acclaimed sequel , Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, and the Readers favorite 5-Star rated cozy mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II.

Our conversation will be pre-recorded, and the link to listen will be posted here when known.


To listen to this interview , please click



Book Presentation – Rotary Club of Green Valley

DATE: Thursday, Sept. 16th, 2021
TIME: 7.00 a.m. – 8.15 a.m. PST

I would like to extend my gratitude to Patrick Jones and Bob Scheri of the Green Valley Chapter of the Rotarians for extending the invite to be the guest speaker at their weekly membership breakfasts. This will be my first time speaking at a Rotary Club, and will be discussing my journey as an author. I would especially like to thank Valerie Salerno who I met at a book signing, for acting as the conduit. I am totally looking forward to this member-only event.

Podcast Interview – Living the Dream with Curveball hosted by Curtis Jackson from Junction City, Kansas

​DATE: Fri. September 17, 2021
TIME: 6.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. PST
LOCATION: Junction City, Kansas

Host, Curtis Jackson, seeks individuals who are ‘living the dream.’ I would like to think that I qualify easily on that score. Curtis and I will not only be discussing all four of my books, but my journey as an immigrant pursuing – and living – my dreams in America.  I am looking forward to this opportunity immensely.

ADDENDUM : To listen to this 20 minute pre-recorded interview, please click on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/living-the-dream-with-curveball/id1531485905?i=1000536950775


Podcast Interview – Lift Your Story from Milton, Ontario and Dallas, Texas

DATE: Tue, September 28th, 2021
TIME: 5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Milton, Ontario and Dallas, Texas

What a pleasure it will be to appear as a guest on Lift Your Story podcast hosted by LaurieAnn and Roy Miller. LaurieAnn will be hosting from Milton, Ontario while Roy will be co-hosting from Dallas, Texas. The two hosts will ask questions from differing angles and perspectives. It promises to be an enjoyable event. Apart from my career and travels, we will be discussing my fictional novels.

In addition to Discreetly Yours, I will be discussing my cozy mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, the award-winning The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas, and the critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas.

Our conversation will be pre-recorded, and the link to listen will be posted here when known.

ADDENDUM: To listen to this interview, please click on the following link. https://www.buzzsprout.com/939037/9287484?fbclid=IwAR2B9GmOxjul-SB5jb13vW1Q7V_16cfXLwx0NWWPpOMhBQBIoBleD33mxyg


‘Meet & Greet’ – Barnes & Noble, Crossroads Commons, Las Vegas


DATE: Sun., October 3, 2021
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. PST
LOCATION: Barnes & Noble, 8915 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89117

My thanks to  Barnes & Noble manager, Amy, for extending the invite to hold a ‘Meet and Greet’ at this Barnes & Noble location. It seems to have been forever since I was there. It will be just like old times and bring back wonderful memories, as I hope to re-visit with your longtime customers.  I will have copies of all four of my novels available for purchase. I know it will be fun.

I will be signing copies of Discreetly Yours,  both The Chapel of Eternal Love- Wedding Stories from Las Vegas and the sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, and my cozy mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II.



Stephen Murray is a Las Vegas author with roots in England and Southern Africa. Praised for his unique writing style and powerful character development skills, his books cross multiple sub genres.



Learn more about Stephen Murray’s novels by clicking the books below.