Stephen Murray attends book signings and charity events often. Find an upcoming author event to be a part of. Check back often for new dates and times. Pick up your copy of Discreetly Yours before attending. BUY NOW.

Book Signing – Las Vegas Local Business & Craft Fair

DATE: Sunday, February 5th, 2023
TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Suncoast Casino, Las Vegas

I am very excited about this book signing – my first ever at this type of event. Hoping the clientele who plan on attending will not get side-tracked at the roulette wheel or crap tables in the casino on their way to grand ballroom where the fair is being held and never get there!!

I will be selling copies of all five of my novels – Discreetly Yours, The Chapel of Eternal Love, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, and yes, even my holiday fiction, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

I would like to thank Las Vegas Events for sponsoring this fair.

This promises to be an entertaining day full of fun. I hope can join us and share a “Lil’ Bit of Love’ as a warm up to Valentine’s Day.

Book Signing – 2023 Authors and Artists Fair


DATE: Saturday, February 18th, 2023
TIME: 11.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Clark County Library


This is an absolute must event for all local book lovers. More than 60 local authors will be signing copies of their books. There will be three groups of 20 authors. The first will be signing their books from 11.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m., the 2nd will be signing from 12.30 p.m. – 2.00 p.m., while the 3rd will be from 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. I will be signing in the first group. The event will also hold panel discussions and attendees can listen to authors reading chapters from their books.

Thank you to Julie Okabayashi and the Clark County Library for organizing and hosting this event and to Jo Wilkins and Mystic Publishers Inc.  for co-sponsoring it.

In addition to signing copies of Discreetly Yours, I will be signing copies of the award-winning The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories From Las Vegas and the critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, my cozy mystery novel, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, and my heart-warming and uplifting holiday novel, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

Several local artists will also be on hand displaying their creations.

Hope to see some of you there. You will have a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet some of the local artistic talent in the Las Vegas Valley.

Writer to Writer Interview Sponsored by Casey Bell.

DATE: Saturay November 7, 2020

TIME: 9.00 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.

Thanks to Casey Bell for initiating this ‘Writer to Writer Interview’ You-Tube program where two authors ask five questions of each other. I am thrilled to be paired with Stenetta Anthony, author of the children’s book, A Home for Sally. I am looking forward to my 30 minute exchange with Stenetta which will take place on Saturday, November 7th at 9.00 a.m. PST. The link to You-Tube will be posted on FB, when known, and in next month’s newsletter.


Interview with Matt Nappo, host on Minddog TV.


DATE: Sunday November 29, 2020

TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. PST

I am looking forward to my hour-long Facebook pre-recorded interview with Matt Nappo, one of the many hosts on Minddog TV Network. The pre-recorded interview will take place on Sunday, November 29th, 2020 at 10.00 a.m. PST, I will be talking about my journey as an author. In addition to discussing Discreetly Yours, I will also be discussing the award-winning Chapel of Eternal Love- Wedding Stories from Las Vegas, the critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love- Marriage Stories from Las Vegas and my cozy murder mystery novel, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II.

The YouTube link to the pre-recorded interview is. https://youtu.be/x5WhnHyZxWk while the audio only link is https://minddogtv.simplecast.com/episodes/meet-the-author-discreetly-yours-stephen-murray


Multi-Author Book Signing at the Firelight Barn


DATE: December 13th, 2020
TIME: 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.PST
LOCATION: Firelight Barn, 546 S. Boulder Highway, Henderson.

This will be an extremely wonderful way to spend an afternoon – a multi author book signing event. A terrific opportunity to purchase those signed books for unique Christmas and Hanukkah gifts. Aside from Discreetly Yours, I will be signing copies of my other three novels -the award winning The Chapel of Eternal Love, Wedding Stories from Las Vegas, the critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, Marriage Stories from Las Vegas and my cozy mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II.

I am very excited to be sharing this signing with the five very gifted and talented ladies – Vicki Ann Bush will be signing copies of her latest YA fiction novel, Alex McKenna and the Academy of Souls, Skyler Jackson and her YA fantasy novel, Blood Ties; Susan Johnson and her tome, Some Dreams are Worth Keeping;  Temple Kinyon with her children’s book, Button Boxes and Lori Piotrowski and her two romantic novels of The Molly Weston Chronicles series.

Social distancing guidelines will be followed and attendees will be required to wear masks.

Many thanks to The Coffee House Tours organization for arranging this event, and to the Firelight Barn (www.firelightbarn.com) for hosting. Please stop by, and in addition to obtaining unique gifts, purchase some of the best homemade fudge you will have ever tasted.


Interview with Karina Kastas, host of ‘Behind the Pen.’


DATE: Monday, December 14, 2020

TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.

I’m especially excited about this YouTube interview with Karina Kantas. Karina and I have shared backgrounds in that we were both born in England. Karina now resides in Corfu, Greece, where the interview will be conducted. The unscripted interview will evoke many happy memories for me since I enjoyed a wonderful vacation there many years ago.

We will be discussing all four of my novels, and my journey as an author.

Our conversation will be pre-recorded, but I will be posting the link, when known, on Facebook and in my newsletter next month.

Addendum : The link to listen to this engaging conversation is https://youtu.be/pEb16E6k0bk




Interview with Sally Zimmerman, host of Las Vegas TV show.

DATE: Tuesday, December 15,  2020

TIME: 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. PST  – This event has been temporarily postponed.

Thank you, Sandy Zimmerman, for inviting me to appear as a guest on your TV program. The show will be pre-recorded via Zoom on  and shown on Facebook. I will post the links when known.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to showcase all four of my novels during a TV interview in my home town of Las Vegas.



Book Presentation and Signing – Winterhaven 55+ Active Community

​DATE: Tuesday, March 7th, 2023
TIME: 11.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Winterhaven 55+ Active Community

I am looking forward to giving a presentation to the seniors at this community.

I would like to thank the Activities Director, Chanda Jones, for affording me the opportunity to meet her residents, present my books and sign copies.

This event is open to the residents of the community and their guests only.

Book Presentation and Signing – Sun City Summerlin Book Club


​DATE: Thursday, March 9th, 2023
TIME: 2:00.p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Desert Vista – Sun City Summerlin Book Club

Many thanks to Diane Romano for extending the invite to speak to the members of the Sun City Summerlin Book Club. The club selected Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II as its book of the month. Accordingly, it is this novel which will be the primary focus of my presentation, although I will be talking about Discreetly Yours and my other novels.

This event is open solely to the members of the club and their guests. Association regulations  require that attendees must present their association membership card to attend. Seating allows for 46 attendees, and club members will be seated first.

Should any residents of Sun City, Summerlin be interested in joining this book club, please email the club president, Cherie Kidd, at klipsan2@gmail.com


Book Signing – Historic Boulder Dam Hotel & Museum, Boulder City, Nevada

DATE: Saturday, March 11th, 2023
TIME: 4.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Boulder City Hotel – Lobby

I am thrilled to be returning, yet again, to the historic Boulder Dam Hotel and Museum and to be part of the monthly ‘Wine Walk’ event. This month the theme will be ‘The Best Dam Mardi Crawl Wine Walk.’ 

The cost of admission for the wine walk is $25.00 per person (plus processing fees) or $30.00 per person for walk up tickets. For more information, please contact (702) 293-2034 or email info@bouldercitychamber.com. To pre-order tickets, please visit www.eventbrite.com/o/bc-chamber-presents-the-best-dam-wine-walk

The historic Boulder Dam Hotel and Museum is one of the stops on the walk. I will be signing books in the hotel lobby.

Discreetly Yoursthe award-winning The Chapel of Eternal Lovethe critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, the ‘Reader’s Favorite’ cozy mystery novel, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II and my latest novel, the warm and uplifting Discovering the Christmas Spirit will all be on sale and for signing.

 For all non-drinkers, it is not necessary to purchase admission to the ‘Wine Walk’ event to stop by the signing or visit any of the other venues in this quaint historic town.



Stephen Murray is a Las Vegas author with roots in England and Southern Africa. Praised for his unique writing style and powerful character development skills, his books cross multiple sub genres.



Learn more about Stephen Murray’s novels by clicking the books below.