Stephen Murray attends book signings and charity events often. Find an upcoming author event to be a part of. Check back often for new dates and times. Pick up your copy of Discreetly Yours before attending. BUY NOW.

Book Signing – Las Vegas Local Business & Craft Fair at Aliante Casino Hotel & Spa


DATE: Sunday, September 10th, 2023
TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Aliante Casino Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas

This will be my first signing at this venue.

My thanks to Tim and Lynn Dilloo of Vegas Events and More for putting this local Arts and Crafts event together. I have attended previous events of this nature at both the Suncoast Hotel and Casino and the Santa Fe Hotel and Casino. and they’ve been extremely enjoyable. The diverse nature of all the vendors is incredible. Something for everyone. 🙂

I will be selling copies of all five of my novels, – Discreetly Yours, The Chapel of Eternal Love, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, and my warm and uplifting holiday novel, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

This promises to be an entertaining day full of fun. I hope can join us. Admission is free.


Live Radio Interview with Chat and Spin Radio

DATE: Wednesday , May 13th , 2020
TIME: 1.55 p.m. – 2.05  p.m.
LOCATION: Live Radio Interview.

How exciting to have been invited as a guest on Chat and Spin Radio Show, emanating from North East England. . In addition to discussing Discreetly Yours, I will also be discussing the award-winning Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas, the critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, and my Reader’s Favorite 5-star rated cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II.

For those unable to listen live, the link will be posted when the show is archived..

Book Signing – The Retreat on Charleston Peak


DATE: Sunday, September 17th, 2023
TIME: 10.30 a.m. – 2..30 p.m.
LOCATION: The Retreat on Charleston Peak

Come join us for a wonderful breakfast or lunch at the fabulous Retreat on Charleston Peak, and join me at my book signing.

This will be my first signing at this venue and will be in the lobby of the resort.

Although  I will be selling and signing copies of Discreetly Yours, I will also be selling and signing copies of the award-winning  The Chapel of Eternal Love, the critically-acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, my cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II  and my warm and uplifting, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

My gratitude to the management for affording me this wonderful opportunity.

NOTE: For those of you who may have read that Kyle Canyon Road is closed due to the storms, it is only closed AFTER reaching the Retreat on Charleston Peak.

Panel Discussion – How to Have a Successful Book Signing, Clark County Library


DATE: Saturday, September 30th, 2023
TIME: 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Flamingo Library

I am elated to be sharing this panel presentation and discussion, originally presented at the Paseo Verde Library, with fellow author, Vicki-Ann Bush.

We have both been most fortunate to have some very successful book signings, and have both learned a lot through our own personal experiences.

We are happy to share what has worked for us and what hasn’t, along with some fundamental do’s and don’ts.

Please come along and join us for what we hope will be an informative and fun afternoon. Admission is free.

With grateful thanks to Julie Okabayashi and the Clark County Library for facilitating this event.

Hope to see you there.

Multi-Author Book Signing Event – Summerlin

​DATE: Saturday, October 7th, 2023
TIME: 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Mountain View Presbyterian Church

Come join us for a terrific time at the Mountain View Presbyterian Church in Sun City, Summerlin.

Thirty-two local authors will be selling and signing copies of their books. Most genres across the board from children’s to paranormal will be available.

I, of course, will be selling and signing copies of my five novels Discreetly Yours,  the award-winning The Chapel of Eternal Love, the critically acclaimed sequel, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love, the cozy mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II and my latest novel, Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

Many thanks to Dianne Romano of the Sun City Summerlin Reader’s Book Club, Maxine Muccigrosso of the Sun City Summerlin Writers Workshop, and Shane Jensen of the Mountain View Presbyterian Church in Sun City for spearheading this event and making it happen…..and to all my fellow participating authors.

Hope to see you there.

‘Book Babbles & Meet the Local Authors’ Event – Firelight Barn, Henderson

DATE: Nov. 5th, 2023
TIME: 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.PST
LOCATION: Firelight Barn Dinner Theater.

I would like to thank  Toni Jackson and the Wranglers for organizing and hosting this book signing at the Firelight Barn. The afternoon event will host authors giving ten-minute presentations on their published books followed by a signing. Light refreshments will be served.

Apart from myself, participating authors are –Dorothy Baroch (Anthology), Brian Gardner (Social Issues), Ann  Kimbraugh (Cozy Mystery) T.W. Kirchner, (Young Adult) and Amy Webber (Young Adult)

I will be presenting my holiday fiction, Discovering the Christmas Spirit, but will have Discreetly Yours and my other novels on hand for sale and signing.

Hope you can join us for what promises to be a fun and entertaining afternoon.


********** BOOK LAUNCH **********


DATE: Friday, Nov. 24th, 2023
LOCATION: 1570 W. Horizon Ridge Parkway, #170 Henderson, NV 89012
TIME: 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

I am thrilled to be holding the book launch for my latest novel, the light-hearted paranormal, Yours in Spirit at Copper Cat Books in Henderson.

My gratitude to the store owners, Wendy and Anthony Marcisofsky, for being willing to host it.

Black Friday is the perfect day for introducing the launch of this light-hearted and fun paranormal novel.

I do hope you will be able to join us and purchase some of the many treasures and hard to find gifts at Copper Cat Books.

Even though the primary focus of the event is to sell copies of my latest book, I will have on hand copies of my other five novels for sale:   Discreetly Yours, The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas, Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II and Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

Cheese and wine will be served. I’d love to see you there and be part of this fun event.

Christmas Book Presentation – Atria Seville Retirement Community


DATE: Friday, December 8th, 2023
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 2.30 p.m.
LOCATION: Atria Seville Retirement Community

I am delighted to have been invited back to the Atria Seville Senior Living Community. I thank the Atria Seville for inviting me to participate in this festive event.    

Participating in this afternoon’s presentations featuring authors who have chosen Christmas as the theme for their novels are Harmke Buursma & Michael Johnson.

Harmke will be presenting her historical romance Christmas novel, Michael through Time, while Michael will be presenting Old Santa Barbara Christmas Tales  – a compendium of short stories.

I , of course, will be presenting  Discovering the Christmas Spirit.

Each author will talk for fifteen minutes on their book, and then there will be a Q&A at the end, followed by signings.

The residents at the Atria Seville are a great crowd. I hope you will all come out to this event. It is free and open to the public.


Book Signing – Dam Roast House & Browder Bookstore, Boulder City, Nevada


DATE: Saturday, December 9th, 2023
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Dam Roast House & Browder Bookstore

I am thrilled to be returning, once again, to Boulder City to hold a book signing at the Dam Roast House & Browder Bookstore.

I am excited to announce that I will also be selling copies of my latest novel, the light-hearted paranormal, Yours in Spirit.

I will also have copies of Discreetly Yours  on hand for purchase, as well as copies of The Chapel of Eternal Love – Wedding Stories from Las Vegas , the sequel,  Return to the Chapel of Eternal Love – Marriage Stories from Las Vegas, my cozy murder mystery, Murder Aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, and in perfect time for the festive holiday season, Discovering the Christmas Spirit

It promises to be a lot of fun. Hope you can join us.


‘Meet the Local Authors’ Book Presentations and Signings at Tropicana Palms Senior Mobile Home Park

DATE: Friday, December 15th, 2023
TIME: 1.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
LOCATION: Tropicana Palms, 6420 E. Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89122

Please join us for this fun and entertaining afternoon.

Six local authors will each talk about their books from 1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. and then sign copies and answer questions from 2.00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.

The six authors write in different genres. There will certainly be something to suit all tastes.

I will specifically be promoting my latest novel, the light-hearted paranormal,  Yours in Spirit, although I will have Discreetly Yours  and my other books on hand for sale.

The other five authors are Dorothy Baroch (Anthology), Karen Hicks (Crime Fiction), Terri Maue (Murder Mystery), John Reger (Travel Biography) and S.J. Tasz (Christmas Paranormal.)

Thanks to director, Susan Bollinger, for agreeing to host this event.

This event is open to the general public. As one enters the community from Tropicana, Clubhouse 2 (where the event is being held) will be 1/4 – 1/2 mile along the street on the left-hand side on the corner of 16th Street.

Hoping to see you there.




Stephen Murray is a Las Vegas author with roots in England and Southern Africa. Praised for his unique writing style and powerful character development skills, his books cross multiple sub genres.



Learn more about Stephen Murray’s novels by clicking the books below.